Now That I No Longer Doubt

Now That I No Longer Doubt


Now that I no longer doubt

I have found everything I want

and everything I need

why bother going on

gazing up at the sky

in search of miracles?

The other day, I looked

into your eyes and there

it was: all God’s creations

in a single being. You play

the bassoon, you ice skate

on the frozen lake, the dog

will follow you anywhere

as would I– what raw power

in a single creature! Oh darling,

I have tried to grow another pair

of hands to do justice to your

beautiful body, another tongue

with which to devour you.  It

is true: I am a limited architect

of the human body, a maker

replete with impediments. But why

should I bother improving on perfection?

Why should my one tongue, my

two hands, not suffice? Better,

methinks, to leave things

as I found them when I woke

this morning, better to let you

go on skating on the lake,

and simply stand at the shoreline

offering you my arms when

you arrive: my one tongue,

my two hands, my single heart.





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