Für Agnes

Für Agnes


I’ve had enough of wedded misery

It’s you I wake to, in the blessed air

Now, at last, its time for you and me


Was blind too long, but now I clearly see

The sunlight streaking through your lovely hair

I’ve had enough of wedded misery


The choice is clear: to be or not to be

It took me many years, but now I dare

At last, my love, it’s time for you and me


I plant a flower, then we plant a tree

True joy arrives when pain’s too much to bear

I’ve had enough of wedded misery


Some God above has listened to my plea

You pick an apple, then I eat a pear

For now, my sweet, it’s time for you and me


The tunnel ends: there’s light for all to see

I kiss your face, I smell your underwear

The time has come, at last, for you and me

I’ve had enough of wedded misery




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