Beiträge von M.C. Blumenthal


ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FATIGUE AND WISDOM   You are sick‑‑ or just plain tired, ever slightly so. Perhaps a slightly off‑night of sleep, or the first vestiges of a cold. Yet there is something vaguely consoling about this, a sense of tranquility, desirelessness, a strange ability to suddenly focus. You find yourself able, as […]


TOUCHED   It occurs to me, working occasionally as a therapist as I do and attempting to honor the frequently simple‑minded „ethics“ of that profession (and of academic life as well), how unnatural‑‑ indeed, violative of natural human affinities‑‑ such ethics are, their perversity extending to the core of language itself. For is it any […]

Nothing is free

NOTHING IS FREE     „Always pay; for first or last you must pay your entire debt.“ So Emerson, in his infinite wisdom, put it, and yet we persist in our deep, irreconcilable wish that we might yet find the thing that carries with it no cost, the gift that asks nothing of us. FREE!! […]

Something is happening without us in it

„SOMETHING IS HAPPENING WITHOUT ME IN IT“ von M.C. Blumenthal   Who hasn’t felt it? Raged against it? Slapped his or her own body around like a rubber ball in the hope of, somehow, taming the world’s large and multifarious nic‑nacs into an orderly event at which the one body can somehow find itself in […]

Life List

Life List von M.C. Blumenthal:   Anyone who has lived long enough to spot the resplendent quetzal or the blue-crowned motmot and even survived to add the blue morpho butterfly and the mating dance of the long-tailed manakin to their life list can number themselves among the blessed of this earth, as do I this […]