And the Child is Father to the Man

And the Child is Father to the Man


It was many years ago.
We were on a ski lift in France.

My son’s mother and I

had been separated for years.

I turned to my son, who

had already become a good father

to his father, and said: „N’s

my girlfriend, you know?“

My son, 12 at the time, nodded,

grunting in assent. „So… what

do you think of that?“ I asked.

There was a long pause as the

lift ascended towards Italy,

from where we would ski down

for pizza and a cappuccino.

My son planted one pole

in each hand, preparing

to push off, then turned to me

and whispered those sweet,

parental words I had so long

longed for. „As long as you’re

happy,“ he said, „As long as

you’re happy.“

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