A Crack in Everything
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
Leonard Cohen, „Anthem“
There is, we know, a crack in everything:
The love that’s perfect, and the meal that’s made
That’s how the light, and then the dark, gets in.
A bird grows silent, though a bird can sing
The bills are on the table, must be paid
There is, we know, a crack in everything
The eager songs that too much lust can bring
Are sung too soon, and will not be delayed
That’s how the light, and then the dark, gets in
For every queen, there must have been a king
Who ruled the realm, until he got waylaid
And found, alas, a crack in everything
That can’t be mended merely with a ring
Though vows exchange, and promises are made
That’s how the light, and then the dark, gets in
I’m not so young: I don’t speak on the wing
The thoughts that fall from me are not displayed
That’s how the light, and then the dark, gets in
There is, I’ve learned, a crack in everything.