Poetry Love

Poetry Love


It must be wonderful

to be so obsessed with poetry

that you live it, breathe it, consider

every moment without it

a moment wasted

want to do nothing else

but write it, read it, recite it

to your friends and lovers

it must be wonderful

to have only this one mission

for your life, this singular sense

of purpose and pursuit, or perhaps

it is terrible, as a friend

once suggested to me

over lunch in Cambridge,

to be eating nothing but ice cream

all the time, perhaps it is awful

to live on so restricted a diet

even of beauty and pleasure

even of language outgrowing itself

I think I must side with those

who think it terrible

on this beautiful morning

in West Virginia, with the purple vetch

and the spring beauties and the larkspur

and the bluebells and the wild blue phlox

blossoming so perfectly, it must

be horrible to want to go perpetually

turning everything into poetry

to not simply allow the sacred

to be sacred, the profane

profane oh one can get so fat

from too much ice cream, the arteries

clogging, the waistline expanding


the breath coming shorter and shorter

until you die of it all and are left

wishing you’d mastered, also,

the art of prose.






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